Interested in graduate or postdoctoral research in the Hunter laboratory?
I am always interested in mentoring enthusiastic and motivated students and postdocs who want to study the ecology and evolution of symbiont-host interactions. So write and tell me about your background and interests! I do not currently have grant-funded positions in my laboratory at the postdoc or grad student level that are unfilled, but am always interested in working with people to develop extramural postdoc support. Also, all of my current and recent grad students came with one year of program support, and have been funded throughout their program with a combination of extramural grad fellowships, TAs, and support from my grants. I am also open to the possibility of collaborating on graduate fellowship proposals. |
Mailing address:
Martha S. Hunter 410 Forbes Building Department of Entomology The University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 +1 520-621-9350 |